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  1. CrimsonRED

    User deleted

    BEGA's Water Blader

    BEGA's Water Bladers are Boris's training squad that were used to battle with the Blitzkireg Boys when they confronted Boris. The team consists of Billy, Gray and Hawk. Their beyblades are Crab Diver, Orca Diver and Manta Diver, respectively, and their attacks are Snapping Claw, tube Rider and Poison Scorpion Sting, respectively.

    Ho capito meno di prima LOL (riguarderà il manga) ..a me come anelli d'attacco quelli degli all saint che mi piaciono di più sono lo squalo e il mammuto...come base il gorilla...troppo figa.
38 replies since 30/7/2012, 21:05   365 views